Join us

The Blue Max Kart Club is a member based community. We pride ourselves on being the most friendly track around. We are a small non-profit so membership fees help us keep your favorite racing facility ready to go for the numerous races and practice days throughout the year. The Family membership (4 persons in household) is priced at $325 if purchased between February and end of June, $200 if purchased between July and October. Both provide a membership until December 31st of the year the membership was paid. Our best deal is November to the end of January $300. Your membership includes a code to the gate so you can practice as often as you can everyday 9am to 6pm except Wednesdays when the track is always closed. This is the best deal around. Once your membership is paid you do not need to pay the daily practice fees. If you are not a member, daily practice fees are $35. per Driver.


Club Member Rules:


- You must be respectful to others and to the property

- You must clean up your pit spot when finished

- If you are the last person at the track you must make sure the gates are locked

- Our club is run by the members, so helping to keep the track clean, as well as the facilities is required

- You must abide by all the safety rules, any non-members that come to the track with you are your responsibility


Simply join using the application below. Once we receive your membership application form and have processed your payment we will email your membership cards and gate code.


Insurance: Our insurance does not cover you on practice days. Please be sure that your personal insurance covers you in case of any accident or injury.

Year Membership - $325.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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24998 County Road 102 Davis, CA 95616

Membership Info:

Tel: 916-544-7510

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software