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  • 24 Feb 2025 9:35 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Track clean up day is March 8th. A member has donated tree mulch to the club and it has been delivered. Please bring your wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes to help finish off the playground area. Thank you

  • 10 Sep 2024 8:00 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    The track will be closed to members and non-members, September 10th through the 13th. We are having some asphalt work done.

    Thank you for your cooperation!


  • 2 Jul 2024 12:43 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)
    Due to the weather with high temperatures, the race on July 7th will be rescheduled for Sunday August 25th. Stay cool and see you in August.
  • 12 May 2024 3:39 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Looking forward to the Double Header next weekend at Blue Max! It's going to be sunny and the bugs are out too. So wear your sunscreen and bug spray and get ready for a great weekend.

  • 25 Apr 2024 3:02 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    We are super excited for all the growth this year at Blue Max Kart Club and are welcoming in new drivers and families. With this being said new comers means more traffic and  trailers. In order to accommodate all our drivers, mechanics and families we are asking that everyone abide to our parking procedures.


    If you are pitting on the asphalt between the bleachers and the fence, please detach your vehicle from your trailers and park in the overflow area to allow for as many open pit spaces as possible (only small trailers allowed in this area). We will have marked areas for spectator parking. If you have a camper please either set up your pits space in front of or behind your camper. The pit area was designed to pit out of the back of your rig, thus allowing room for all. We did widen  the pit spots East of the driveway to allow for slide outs.  Teams are allowed 1 pit spot per kart. All pits spaces are first come first serve, unless you prepaid for a reserved spot. You can hold a spot with a trailer or vehicle, cones, buckets or chairs will not do.  Let’s all work together to make sure our friends and competitors all have space to set up and enjoy a fun full day or weekend of racing.

  • 19 Mar 2024 2:13 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    This is from Josh with Gold Rush

    Gold Rush Weather update!

    As you all know we have been watching the weather forcasts closely. Because Gold Rush is a money race we want to make sure we put on the best series we can for the racers as well as the spectators. Right now the weather is looking like it will prevent everyone from having time to practice on Friday and Saturday with the looming threat for potential showers Sunday. We have a drawing where anyone who competes in all 5 events will be eligible to receive a brand new Praga rolling chassis. Because they are calling for snow all weekend over the donner pass this will make it very difficult for the Northern Nevada racers to make it and would exclude them from that drawing. Add the Tire supply issues to all this and it may make for an event that is less then ideal as a start to our regional series. With all of this in mind we have decided it is best to reschedule the Blue Max Kart Club Gold Rush event to June 9th.

    For any one who pre-orderd tires we will be reaching out to discuss options. Please know that we were looking forward to this first race more then anyone and this decision has not come easy but we are dedicated to making the Gold Rush series the most it can be for the racers this season. We will continue to work towards the next event which will be at the Kinsman track in Dixon.

    Thankyou all for your understanding and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Josh direct.

  • 15 Mar 2024 11:58 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Weather Permitting this is our schedule for the weekend of March 23th & 24th, Look for our updates on Wednesday the 20th PM.



    Practice 9am to 6pm

    Pre Tech & Reg. 3pm to 5pm at the Scale house

    Welcome back Pot Luck 6pm


    Registrations 7am to 8am

    Workers Meeting 8am

    Drivers Meeting 8:30am

    Start Time 9am, Some classes could be combined

    Kid Karts

    Jr. 1 Pilot Lo 206

    Jr. 1 Lo 206

    Jr. 2 Lo 206

    Sr. Lo 206

    Ms. Lo 206

    GM Lo 206

    80 Shifters A

    80 Shifters B

    Pro 4 Cycles

    Tags, Clone, Ghost, F100

    Practice 5 minutes per group

    Qualifying green, white, checkered

    Heat 1 – 10 laps

    Heat 2 – 12 laps

    Lunch 30 Minutes

    Main – 18 laps

    Awards & Raffle prizes Please Drive Home Safely

  • 23 Feb 2024 9:27 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)


    Having raced with Blue Max for 26 consecutive years, I have seen a lot of changes to the make-up of the Board, and watched the club grow and shrink back-and-forth over the years.  The thing I like best about Blue Max is that it is truly a members’ club and very much family-oriented club.  Among other things, the Board recently voted NOT to allow non-members to receive points or garner year-end trophies and championship jackets.  A particular challenge the Board faces is to keep the cost of participation reasonable.  We actually lose money at each race, so it is membership fees that pay the freight for things like trophies and championship jackets at the end of the year.  The members also help to defray cost by volunteer participation in regular and annual maintenance and repair of our track facilities.  Having been a school board member, and officer of a great many volunteer organizations over the years, I see that commitment is an essential foundation for success.  At the same time, we also believe that inviting non-members to come and see what Blue Max is all about, is a potential pathway to growing our membership.  Presently the Club policy regarding awarding championship points to non-members is intended to strike a balance between respecting our existing members and growing our membership.  The current policy provides for tracking points for all participants, with a concurrent requirement that non-members pay more for race registration as well as commit to membership prior to the 4th race of the season in order to vie for a class championship.  This year, since our 3rd and 4th races are a “double-header”, the commitment to membership will be delayed until one week prior to the 5th race. This makes the deadline June 1st. This policy has been affirmed by the vote of multiple Boards, by the way.  The Board is always interested in considering improvements to the way the Club operates, and at the last Board meeting I invited consideration of a modification to this policy, possibly one where we have three “categories'” of participants, those being; 1.  non-members just interested in racing at Blue Max, 2. those non-members interested in racing for points with the intention of becoming a member before the racing season ends, and 3. regular paid members who love the Club and also want to compete for points and awards.  We would envision that such a potential structure would include different race and membership fees for each category of participants.  Any change in policy will be implemented prior to our first race of 2024.  I trust that this insight into the activities of your Board will be of assistance to the membership.  With the very best regards, Jim Waltz, President BMKC.


    James P. Waltz, P.E., CEM, FAEE, DABFET, FCABE(UK)

  • 8 Feb 2024 10:04 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    We are trying something different at the track this year. We have 4 different configuration that we can run, forward (counterclockwise) and backwards (clockwise). Please take a look at the list below and let me know which ones you would like to race.

    A - Full Track, forward B - Full Track backwards

    C - No Hair Pin, forward D - No Hair Pin, backwards

    E - Short Shoot, forward F - Short Shoot, backwards

    G - Short Track, forward H - Short Track, backwards

    The Short Shoot is the cross over before the top of the hill.

    The Short Track is No Hair Pin and the Short Shoot together.

    I am looking forward to your replies. Thank you.

  • 29 Jan 2024 11:18 AM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    As we get ready for the 2024 racing season. Please keep in mind, that your driver is the right age for the class and is set up with the right equipment. All of this information can be found at just scroll down the home page to see it all. 

    Track Clean up/Work day is March 9th and 10th

    The time has come for a workday at Blue Max Kart club. We are going to have a two-day work weekend and we hope everyone can make it to help out for our favorite track. There are a handful of projects that we will need some special skills to do. We will need people to do construction, we would like to rebuild the play structure and surrounding area and then General painting, weed eating, and cleanup of the pit and grid areas just to name a few. Thanks so much for your help. Please keep in mind this will be a No Go Kart weekend, with all the work that needs to be done it is for the driver's safety. 

    We hope everyone can make this as our first race will be less than a month away from the cleanup day! 

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