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  • 4 Jan 2024 12:51 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Registrations are now open! Pre-registration for the entire season is

    open. You can register one time for the full season and get one race

    FREE. Don't worry about preregistering for every race or hope that you

    get to it on time, this is a one and done deal. Go to Blue Max Kart Club

    website, then to the Calendar, under our 1st Race you can Pre-register

    for the entire season. Hope to see ya'll soon.

  • 30 Nov 2023 8:37 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Now is the time to renew your membership for 2024. One of the benefits of being a member is that you can go on the track any day you like except Wednesday. Please keep in mind that the combination will be changed 1\1\24. To enjoy the track at your leisure you need to be a member and get the code. 

                          Also new for 2024

    The Board has decided to have Premium pits for Rent, the cost is $250 for the year. This is for Race Weekend only Friday through Sunday. All unmarked pits are available. To hold an open pit you need to park a trailer or vehicle in the spot. Cones, chairs or writing your name in the pit stall will not be honored/aloud. A red R will mark the pits that have been paid for. To reserve your spot log on BMKC website home page. In the menu bar far right is Members, below you will see pit spot rental click on it, you will see the spots that are for rent. Scroll down to find the spot that you want click on it to add to cart then pay for your cart.

      Also a Full Year Pre-Register option (only offered online before the first race.) Pre-register one time for the full year and get one race free. Get 6 races pay for 5.

    Prices are changing Race fees are now $50. for members,     $65. for non-members and $35. for any day practice. 

    •  2024 Season

    Below is the schedule for Blue Max Kart Club!

    January 1 - Polar Bear Fun Day

    February 24 & 25 - Swap Meat

    March 9 & 10 - Clean up - All members are encouraged to help.

    March 24 - Blue Max Race #1 / Gold Rush #1

    April 21 - Blue Max Race #2 

    May 18 & 19 - Double Header Race #3 & #4

                              Potluck on the 18th

    June 9 - Blue Max Race #5

    July 7 - Blue Max Race #6

    September 15 - Make-up date if necessary

    Each race day will have a full practice day the day


  • 12 Nov 2023 7:50 PM | Denise Langum (Administrator)

    Sorry we missed you, if you didn't make it to the End of the Year Banquet and was getting a trophy, I'll have it at the track at the first race. To all that did come out Thank You, we had a great time.

  • 10 Jul 2023 8:39 AM | Dan Langum

    Due to the extreme heat in July the Board has decided to reschedule the next race on July 16th to Sept. 10th.

    We truly thank each and every one of you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Please stay safe.


  • 3 Jul 2023 8:43 AM | Dan Langum

    Ray Zarick and Steve Kemp have decided to resign from office, at the end of the year. If you are interested or know someone that is interested in running for the Board. Please take note of all of the qualifications and duties. Bylaws Article III and V. You can find the Bylaws on our web site. Go to Blue Max Kart Club, under Contact you will see By-Laws.

    Nominations will begin Oct. 11th voting Nov 1st and Announced at the End of the Year Banquet Nov. 11th. This will give nominees the time that they will need to make the 4 Board Meetings.

    Board meetings are 7pm the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Round Table Pizza, party room at; 2150 Town Center Plaza F-180 West Sacramento. 

    3.07 All Board nominees must be an active paid member having been a Blue Max Kart Club member for one (1) full year and attend four Board meetings prior to their nomination.

  • 15 Jun 2023 1:04 PM | Dan Langum

    This next race will be raced backwards, as in the opposite direction. Also NO Grub Shack so plan your day accordingly. 

    Something to think about, 2 Board Members will be stepping down from their office at the end of the year. Please be thinking of who you would want to represent you in their place. The Bylaws are posted on the website, so you can see all of the officer's duties and the qualifications. 

  • 19 May 2023 8:40 AM | Dan Langum

    The Fire Lanes are now marked with Orange arrows Please do not park in the Fire Lanes.

    Thank you

  • 10 Apr 2023 5:59 PM | Dan Langum

    This is a request from our President Ray. If you are the last person leaving the track please shut and lock both gates. Our Blue gate that's to the track and the Main gate that goes to the road. It is required by the city of Davis.                    Thank you for your understanding.

  • 23 Feb 2023 9:00 AM | Dan Langum

    We need track workers in all areas, scoring, tech inspection, flaggers, scale house registration, etc. etc. One race a month on Sunday, March to possibly Oct. Paid positions and Free Lunch. Please contact Steve Kemp at

    Thank you for your consideration.

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